Development and change analysis of aviation plug
2017/6/16 13:29:50

According to the development of aviation plug in the Chinese market, the demand for aviation plug will continue to expand, and in the next few years, this will affect the demand for air plugs. With mobile phone manufacturers now have their own production program, different types of mobile phones can use different interfaces.

With the increase in the market of mobile phone brand models also increased, especially the small mobile phone is also facing the development trend of high performance, is mainly on the screen, the substrate connection is much more complicated, in this case, the substrate of the electrical connector, multipole spacing and demand will be more urgent.

At present, the emergence of some of the major mobile phone market, smart phones dominate the market, while the development of smart phones, it is also rising demand for air plug. This requires a comprehensive innovation in the quality and function of aviation plugs, thereby achieving rapid development of aviation plugs and bringing the best benefits of electronic products.

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